What's New - October 27, 2009 Launch Day

October 27, 2009

Welcome to goodoldsandlotdays.com.  As we launch our site, we hope that you have a lot of fun browsing through all the rich history, memorable pictures, funny anecdotes, and informative videos contributed by so many.

As always, if you have any further information about the teams, areas, names, etc. posted on this website, feel free to contact us.  We have tried to the best of our ability to post the most accurate information as possible with the resources given.  We are more than willing to make any edits or take notice of any contributors we may have left out.

We will be continually posting new information as new sources and contributions come in.  Keep posted in our News and Updates section for the latest information, links, news, added pictures, etc. in goodoldsandlotdays.com.

Thank you for this great journey down memory lane and for all of the support.

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