Tallant Tubbs vs. Associated Flying A's
Area: San Francisco
Year: 1934
Title: Wolfmann Steals Game Honors With Three Long Drives; Win Raises Avon To Third Place
Area: Contra Costa (Avon)
Year: 1935
Team: Associated Flying A's, Roma Wine
Title: Wolfmann Steals Game Honors With Three Long Drives; Win Raises Avon To Third Place
Area: Contra Costa (Avon)
Year: 1935
Team: Associated Flying A's, Roma Wine
Associated Flying A's
Area: Contra Costa (Avon)
Year: 1936
Description: See caption below picture for details.
Title: Eastbay Unit Aids Tournament - Loser Congratulates Winner of Tribune Play
Area: Alameda (Oakland)
Year: 1937 (Aug. 17)
Title: 5 Flying A's On All-Star
Area: Alameda (Oakland)
Year: 1937 (Aug. 17)
Associated Flying A's
Area: Contra Costa (Avon)
Year: 1937
Description: See caption below picture for details.
Al McCoy, left fielder for the Flying A's, crosses the platter with a big smile. His home run yesterday was one reason why the A's trounced the Moffat Packers, 7 to 3, in a Tribune tournament game.
Ernie Kelly, holding the bats, greets McCoy as he crosses the plate. Ed "Pesty" Ryan umpire, insures that McCoy's homer is the real McCoy. The Flying A's from Avon play today in finals games for the title.
Associated Flying A's
Area: Contra Costa (Avon)
Year: 1937
Description: See caption below picture for details.
Associated Flying A's
Area: Contra Costa (Avon)
Year: 1937
Description: See caption below picture for details.
Associated Flying A's
Area: Contra Costa (Avon)
Year: 1937
Description: See caption below picture for details
Title: Flying A's Win Tribute Title
Area: Contra Costa (Avon)
Year: 1937
Description: His name is Al, but followers of the Associated Flying A's of Avon call him "The Real" McCoy. It was Albert McCoy, shown in center, about to hit the dirt, who stood out yesterday as the Associated Flying A's won two 11-inning games to annex the State championship. McCoy slid over the home plate right behind Jimmy Johnson when Ernie Kelly, former Oak outfielder, connected for a single to break up a deadlock with Golden State Ltd. and send the A's into the final battle for the State championship which was won by the A's. The umpire (extreme left) is Marty O'Toole, and along side of him is Bert Gregory, first sacker of the A's. The catcher (extreme right) is Al Silva of Golden State. The A's came back to defeat the Grace Bros. tossers later to win the title. The final score was 6 to 5 after 11 innings before 4000 people.
Advertisement appeared in the 1937 Burlingame Advance Star newspaper.
Rivals in State Baseball Championship Tangle
Area: Gustine Merchants: Merced | Associated Flying A's: Contra Costa (Avon)
Year: 1937
Left action shot: Verne Halstead of the Gustine Merchants
Right action shot: Al McCoy of the Associated Flying A's
Title: Flying A's Trip Lodi
Area: Contra Costa (Avon)
Year: 1953
Team: Associated Flying A's, Lodi
Title: Refinery baseball players reunite (page 1)
Area: Contra Costa (Avon)
Year: circa 1980
Team: Associated Flying A's
Description: See caption below picture for details.
Title: Refinery baseball players reunite (page 2)
Area: Contra Costa (Avon)
Year: circa 1980
Team: Associated Flying A's
Description: See article above for details
Memories from the Refinery League