Chicago Bridge & Iron Co.


Chi-Bridge All-Stars
Area: Humboldt (Eureka)
Year: 1944 (Sept. 2)

Description: See caption below picture for details.

The Chi-Bridge All-Stars, pictured above, will meet the Owl Drugs in a double header at Albee Stadium Sunday afternoon. The first game of the twin bill starrts promptly at 1:30 o'clock.

"Big Bruce" Johnson, who has won seven games for the All-Stars this season, will pitch the first game and Manuel Mendes will work the second game.

Sunday's start for the Drydockers will be the last of the season for the local club.

The Owl Drugs is the best club in the San Francisco Bay Area.

Top row (left to right/staggered): Julio Rovai, Ric Pastori, Mingo Bianchi, Don Campbell, Joe Tomich

Middle row (left to right): Louie Bonomini, Bruce Johnson, Dave Hauger

Bottom row (left to right): Rudy Tomich, Mel Barielles, Manuel Mendes

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