
"Gridley to have Baseball Team?"

Deep interest was voiced in the matter of Gridley's participation in the Trolley league. It was decided that if sufficient funds could be procured, Gridley would have a team, as long as the club waved the $100 fee for other teams to visit the city. W.A. Walden of the Gridley Trolley League has asked "Deacon" Van Buren, formerly of the Sacramento Coast League to come out of retirement and take charge of the Gridley team for the 1917 season. Van Buren is a favorite around the area and has the experience Gridley's team is looking for in a manager.


Gridley Normans
Area: Butte (Gridley)
Year: circa 1900

DescriptionSponsor George H. Norman owned a drug store in downtown area. 

Back row (left to right): Harry Young (ss), Ed Wells (p), John Shaeffer (mgr.), and Eugene Young (3b)

Middle row (left to right): Humble (1b), Hank Mills (lf), Ed Sooy (rf)

Front row (left to right): Sewell Young (lf), Lee Winters (2b), and Mike Jarvis (rf)

Contributor: Gridley Museum

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