Vallero's All-Stars


Vallero's All-Stars
Area: San Francisco
Year: 1947

Back row (left to right):
Don Vallero (sponsor), Gordon (c), Warren Aldridge (p), Charlie York (of), Walt Cotton (p), Bob Crespo (c), Dan Hall Sr. (coach), Carl Vallero (mgr.-c)

Middle row (left to right): Earl Knudsen (of), Joe Harrel (ss), Dan Hall Jr. (3b-of), Dick Kucich (of-c), Tony Basques (ss, p)

Front row (left to right): Norm Stuffel (of), Angelo Pastorino (of), Jack "Peewee" Miguel (1b),  (1f), Bruce Cropper (c), Gerry Pandolfi, (p), Richard Cataneo (1b),

Missing: Stanley Pandolfi (2b)

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