Wally's Fork Lift
Wally's Fork Lift service was located at Spear and Howard Streets (GA 1-1452) in San Francisco.
Championship Perpetual Trophy was donated by the Cincinnati baseball organization for winners of winter league played at Golden Gate Park.
1947-48 - Capitol Cleaners
George Herold - mgr.
1948-49 - Reliable Drugs
Lou Marioni - mgr.
1949-50 - Gordon Realty
Dick Murray - mgr.
1950-51 - Sarto's A.C.
Victor Baher - mgr.
1951-52 - Gordon Realty
Dick Murray - mgr.
1952-53 - Gordon Realty
Dick Murray - mgr.
1955-56 - Del Monte Meats
Claude Attell - mgr.
1956-57 - Ellis Brooks
Vince Zuardo - mgr.
1957-58 - Wally's Fork Lift
Syl Glaser - mgr.
1958-59 - Ellis Brooks Chevrolet
Vince Zuardo - mgr.
1959-60 Ellis Brooks Chevrolet
Vince Zuardo - mgr.